Our work in Kenya

Although Kenya’s economy continues to grow rapidly, 40% of people living in rural areas still live in poverty and the most vulnerable continue to be left behind. With our partners in Kenya, we are working to address inequality and empower vulnerable groups through innovative and sustainable enterprise opportunities, as well as raising awareness of the rights of marginalised people to promote long-term change.

Camili: Building sustainable livelihoods through camel milk in Kenya

To date our work to support camel milk production in drought-prone areas of Kenya has enabled over 38,000 households to improve their incomes and food security.

Past project: Empowering Women with Disabilities in Kenya and Uganda

With support from the EU, this project worked with 72,000 women with disabilities to promote economic empowerment, raise awareness of disability rights and secure more and better support from governments.

Past project: Food and Livelihood Security for People Living with HIV/AIDS in Kenya

This project aimed to tackle extreme poverty and hunger and a reversal of the spread of HIV/AIDS in Western Kenya. By the end of the project, 25,460 people including people living with HIV/AIDS, orphans and vulnerable children and their carers, had received skills training for food security and enterprise development.

Past project: Promoting Rights and Livelihoods of Soapstone sector workers

Through this project we empowered soapstone sector workers to demand and secure safer and more favourable working conditions, and to access a greater and fairer share of the income.