Our work in Sri Lanka
Although we are not currently delivering projects in Sri Lanka, we spent many years working with local partners to rebuild communities after the 25-year conflict. Our work focused in particular on the inclusion of vulnerable groups (such as youth and people with disabilities) in economic opportunities.

Life after War: Children and Young People in Sri Lanka
With our local partner BCG, this project aimed to improve the quality of life of 4,000 vulnerable children and young people in Ampara, Batticoloa and Trincomalee districts. Children and young people were supported through 42 community groups and youth clubs to increase awareness of their rights, especially the right to education, and access skills training opportunities.

Reaching People with Disabilities in Sri Lanka
This project aimed to reduce the poverty and discrimination facing people with disabilities in Trincalomee and Batticaloa, post conflict areas of Eastern Sri Lanka. It enabled people with disabilities to address their own chronic poverty for themselves, and to be better included in society.