Project information
Start date: 1 March 2013
End date: 29 February 2016
Location: Matayos and Samia Districts, Kenya
The Challenge
People living with HIV/AIDS in Kenya face high levels of stigma and discrimination across all aspects of their lives. HIV prevalence is higher among women, which further excludes them from access to services such as education, employment and healthcare. The impact of the HIV/AIDS pandemic is most severely felt by the poorest.

Our project
This project, in partnership with local organisation REEP, aimed to tackle extreme poverty and hunger and reduce the spread of HIV/AIDS in Western Kenya. By the end of the project, 25,460 people including people living with HIV/AIDS, orphans and vulnerable children and their carers, had accessed skills training for food security and enterprise development. This enabled people to set up backyard gardens and other small enterprises for their nutritional needs and to independently earn incomes. The project also supported people to access health care services and knowledge, as well as training peer educators who could continue to provide community support and raise awareness of key health messages long after the project had ended.
Project funders
Co-funded by the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (Global Poverty Action Fund) and the National Lottery Community Fund