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2022 Reflections From Our CEO, Alex Daniels
This year, I’ve been humbled by how our partners and communities are striving to overcome global challenges. Conflict, rising living costs, climate change and struggling public services are issues which face us all. The impact has been most severe for people with no resources to fall back on, and in the communities in which we work these struggles are at a different level. In Sierra Leone, inflation has hit 29%, while Kenya has seen its worst drought in 40 years.
‘Now, me and my family live easily’—Meet Ishaka, Yattu and Baindu
Last month we met Jusu, a remarkable young man from southern Sierra Leone, who taught people in his community how to write through our Empowering Local Communities in Pujehun project, co-funded by the European Union. Jusu's story demonstrated the power of knowledge sharing and community building, how fundamental they are to lifting people out of poverty and setting them up for a brighter future. In Koiva, roughly seven miles north of Jusu's village, a similar story is unfolding. Working alongside our local partners MAPCO, we used our community-based organisation model (CBO) to administer economic support services, such as seed banks, small business loans and vocational training offers delivered by artisans, for the people of Koiva.
Join our Big Give to help children stay out of Child Labour and break the cycle of poverty!
‘I am so proud of teaching adult literacy to women in the community’ – Jusu’s Story
‘It all depends on the (rural) women’
Today is International Rural Women’s Day. Today, as any other day, millions of women will wake up and set to work on farms across the globe. Though their labour is crucial in sustaining billions of lives, many will suffer worse access to resources, lower pay and less rights than their male counterparts. Many are excluded from the decisions which affect their livelihood; many experience abuse and some fall victim to modern-day slavery. Those with their own business may obtain lower prices for their produce and face discrimination and exploitation in accessing resources. And yet, without their labour, global food production would come to a standstill.
Learning from people with disabilities about disability-inclusive livelihoods
Join Our Board of Trustees!
East African women with disabilities and the rights that they’ve claimed
We are winners! And it’s all thanks to you.
We’ve kicked off three exciting new projects!
At the end of the last year, we had the wonderful news that we had the go-ahead to start three brilliant new projects with our partners MAPCO in Sierra Leone and PLA in Uganda in early 2022.
Are you a digital expert? Volunteer your skills as part of our Digital Advisory Group!
We are looking for people with digital skills and experience to volunteer with us and help us with our bold ambitions for digital!