Posted on 15 Sep 22 in Uncategorized

Disability-Inclusive Livelihoods: A Rapid Learning Review

We set out to pool the learning across our programmes working with people with disabilities about disability-inclusive livelihoods, and we’re excited to present our Disability-Inclusive Livelihood Learning Review.

We spoke to 10 local partners who work on disability-inclusive livelihoods with us to identify the range and extent of disability challenges in relation to earning a living, and effectiveness of activities and interventions, and we’ve just released some helpful resources for others working on livelihoods.

Momoh from Pujehun, Sierra Leone

“The MAPCO team arrived and explained that everyone is welcome in this project, including people with disabilities […], so I decided to join. I am now an auditor as part of the CBO leadership. It was a surprise to me that I could be part of the leadership.”

– Momoh, father and business owner with disabilities in Pujehun. He joined the CBO executive as part of our project Empowering Local Communities in Pujehun.